Note e discussioni
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Abstract: The essay aims to privilege the heavy impact that industrialization has had on the contemporary environmental crisis.
Returning to the Braudelian concept of “sets of sets”, we want to consider the weight that the factory system has had in an interpretative framework that considers other variables such as the weight of demographics, the energy factor, raw materials, emigrations, globalization, awareness or otherwise of societies in governing an economic process with a heavy environmental impact.
There are serious doubts that human communities have been related in the past to a balanced relationship between resources and environmental protection. In this antinomy, industrialization, with its weight in terms of exploitation of raw materials, abandonment of natural forms of energy (water and wind), favouring non-renewable energies, has represented a factor of environmental crisis of undeniable significance (as well as an element of urban transformations, territorial and social of undoubted historical nature), leading to the elaboration of a concept such as that of the Antropocene: an interpretative parameter that stimulates the historical sciences to confront themselves, on a rough terrain, with the more articulated earth sciences.
Salvatore Ciriacono
Oltre la Rivoluzione industriale. L’economia moderna nella crisi dell’ambiente.
Ida Fazio, Giulio Ongaro discutono
M. Lauwers, L. Schneider (a cura di), Mises en réserve. Production, accumulation et redistribution des céréales dans l’Occident médiéval et moderne.
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D. Chakrabarty, Clima, Storia e Capitale,
a cura di Matteo De Giuli e Nicolò Porcelluzzi.