Città e Storia -
ISBN 978-88-8368-133-2
Grazia Pagnotta

Great Events and Public Transports in Rome. From the 1911 Universal Exposition to the Jubilee 2000

Pag. 215-
, DOI 10.17426/39830
COD: A1047A Categoria:



Eight events are considered: the Universal Exposition of 1911, the Holy Year of 1925, the Universal Exposition of 1942, the Holy Year of 1950, The Olympic Games of 1960, the Holy Year of 1975, the World Cup games of 1990, the Jubilee of the year 2000. The aim of this study is to investigate the role played by great events in Rome in the development of public city transport. Did these events have an impact, and in what way? The answer is yes, these events always played a part. The second question is: how did public transport function during these events? It always functioned well because important events always solicited its improvement. The third question is whether these measures taken were the result of emergency policies, but the analisys show that we cannot consider this the case as regards transport, because the measures taken always consecutively followed previous measures and decisions already taken and being implemented.

Eight events are considered: the Universal Exposition of 1911, the Holy Year of 1925, the Universal Exposition of 1942, the Holy Year of 1950, The Olympic Games of 1960, the Holy Year of 1975, the World Cup games of 1990, the Jubilee of the year 2000. The aim of this study is to investigate the role played by great events in Rome in the development of public city transport. Did these events have an impact, and in what way? The answer is yes, these events always played a part. The second question is: how did public transport function during these events? It always functioned well because important events always solicited its improvement. The third question is whether these measures taken were the result of emergency policies, but the analisys show that we cannot consider this the case as regards transport, because the measures taken always consecutively followed previous measures and decisions already taken and being implemented.