É possibile un investimento disinteressato? Alcune considerazioni sul finanziamento delle cattedrali nelle città dell’Italia centro-settentrionale alla fine del Medio Evo
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This article discusses the «worth’s petrification» thesis of Roberto Lopez (1947) by analyzing logics and dynamics of Italian cathedrals’ financing in the medieval era. Through a huge comparison between several cases’ (Milan, Perugia, Florence, Orvieto, Torino and other towns), the paper shows that Italian urban elites considered building cathedrals a «rational» action allowing them to define common good, to create a common fiscal culture, to test a large variety of accounting and managerial innovations. Ultimately, for urban elites building cathedrals was a very interested social and economic investment.
This article discusses the «worth’s petrification» thesis of Roberto Lopez (1947) by analyzing logics and dynamics of Italian cathedrals’ financing in the medieval era. Through a huge comparison between several cases’ (Milan, Perugia, Florence, Orvieto, Torino and other towns), the paper shows that Italian urban elites considered building cathedrals a «rational» action allowing them to define common good, to create a common fiscal culture, to test a large variety of accounting and managerial innovations. Ultimately, for urban elites building cathedrals was a very interested social and economic investment.